Dos and Don’ts for storing Vitamin K2

Dos and Don’ts for storing Vitamin K2

For most people, the best way to get enough vitamin K is by taking a supplement. As it is hard to get enough from food, we could see various vitamin K2 supplements launched in the market.

Some worry about the storage conditions to ensure that what they’re taking is safe and stable over time. Before diving into the precautious of storing vitamin K2, we first need to know its unique characteristics.

Dos and Don’ts for storing Vitamin K2

Characteristics of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 has a character of Isoprenoid derivatives where it gets decomposed by light. In addition to its vulnerability to light, vitamin K2 has poor stability in alkaline minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Arginine.

What are Dos and Don’ts for storing Vitamin K2 then?

Since Vitamin K2 can be decomposed by light, minimizing light exposure is extremely important for storage. Meaning that, Vitamin K2 should keep under cooled conditions; 4°C ~ 25 °C is desirable. The lower temperature, the better.

Supplements coated with light-shielding material are also advantageous in keeping Vitamin K2 from light exposure.

Vitamin K2 is often sold in a mixture of calcium and magnesium formulations. These products can bring stability problems that are less effective than claims on labels over time.

To solve this problem, ‘microencapsulated vitamin K2 powder‘ or ‘lipid microparticle vitamin K2 powder’ are desirable for vitamin K2 supplements with calcium and magnesium.

Woman under the strong ultraviolet rays of the sun

Final Thoughts

In order to take Vitamin k2 properly, it is essential to have vitamin K2 stored in a light-shielding container and in a cool place to avoid exposure to light. On top of that, if your Vitamin K2 supplement contains calcium or magnesium, be sure to check whether they guarantee the stability of vitamin K2 MK-7!

Writing date: 2022-08-05